
— 纪念毛星云同学并与君共勉
React conf 2021 回顾
- React 18介绍和并发新特性:React 18 在没有重大break changes的情况下支持了并发特性,这意味着用户可升级的工作量只是和以往大版本更新相似。
- React 18已经发布RC版本可试用,预计2022年初就会发布正式版本。
- Streaming server rendering with Suspense:使用Suspense控制组价级别的流式渲染,使得用户更快看到内容,更快进行交互。
- 创立第一个React working group:集合各领域专家、开发者、库作者以及教育人员,共同合作逐步改善新的APIs,例如
, 和useInsertionEffect
。 - React Developer Tooling:将会推送更易用更多功能的开发工具来帮助开发者debug React应用。
- React without memo:解决React常见痛点,介绍如何通过auto-memoizing compiler来减少模板优化代码,使开发者更加聚焦业务本身。
- React docs keynote:React的新版文档的设计理念。
- 其它React相关专题分享:learning and designing with React,Relay, React Native, PyTorch teams
React Conf 2021 Recap – React Blog
Last week we hosted our 6th React Conf. In previous years, we’ve used the React Conf stage to deliver industry changing announcements such as React Native and React Hooks. This year, we shared our multi-platform vision for React, starting with the release of React 18 and gradual adoption of concurr…

- React 18 RC版本,快来体验最新最强大的前端UI框架:
npm install react@rc react-dom@rc
更换新的API createRoot
// before
const container = document.getElementById('root');
ReactDOM.render(<App />, container);
// after
const container = document.getElementById('root');
const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(container);
- postcss-rs: Rust版本的postcss,几十倍速于Node.js,这速度相当感人
GitHub - postcss-rs/postcss-rs: 🚀 Fast and 100% API compatible postcss replacer, built in Rust
🚀 Fast and 100% API compatible postcss replacer, built in Rust - GitHub - postcss-rs/postcss-rs: 🚀 Fast and 100% API compatible postcss replacer, built in Rust
- TypeScript / ESNext node runtime powered by esbuild:基于esbuild的TS、ES运行时工具。
GitHub - antfu/esno: TypeScript / ESNext node runtime powered by esbuild
TypeScript / ESNext node runtime powered by esbuild - GitHub - antfu/esno: TypeScript / ESNext node runtime powered by esbuild
- pnpm:2022了,是时候选择更强的包管理工具了。
GitHub - pnpm/pnpm: Fast, disk space efficient package manager -- 快速的,节省磁盘空间的包管理工具
Fast, disk space efficient package manager -- 快速的,节省磁盘空间的包管理工具 - GitHub - pnpm/pnpm: Fast, disk space efficient package manager -- 快速的,节省磁盘空间的包管理工具
- mkcert:啥?localhost也想带https的锁标?没问题上菜吧。
GitHub - FiloSottile/mkcert: A simple zero-config tool to make locally trusted development certificates with any names you’d like.
A simple zero-config tool to make locally trusted development certificates with any names you'd like. - GitHub - FiloSottile/mkcert: A simple zero-config tool to make locally trusted developmen...
- 跨端框架uni-app是如何构建小程序的?:作者通过对打包器、编译器以及运行时处理的层层源码及原理分析,揭开了Vue写小程序的神秘面纱。
uni-app是如何构建小程序的? - 掘金

- 防止直接传递数组回调方法的eslint检查规则,规避参数传递不明确引发的问题。
eslint-plugin-unicorn/no-array-callback-reference.md at main · sindresorhus/eslint-plugin-unicorn
Various awesome ESLint rules. Contribute to sindresorhus/eslint-plugin-unicorn development by creating an account on GitHub.
- 元宇宙?和前端有啥关系,看看大家都在扯啥子。。
元宇宙时代的前端开发,会是什么样? - 知乎